I followed Melker for a few days as he was designing his new restaurant "Kungsholmen" in central Stockholm . Melker is a great guy and a reaalllly great chef. He owns several upscale restaurants in Stockholm one of which is the "Grill" situated on Drottninggatan (Queen street) just a few paces from where I live. Grill is where we shot this picture for Dagens Industris Weekend magazine.
The fun part was that there wasn´t really lots and lots of cutlery in the place and as we were
doing the shoot in a minimal backroom of the restaurant, there wasn´t enough cutlery left for all the guests that were arriving. There wasn´t much time since the staff of the restaurant were already on the verge of rushing in and taking away the silver....
It was a 5 minute shoot in all ......
Thank you Melker and thanks also to the whole, very patient staff of Grill!!!! Love you all!!!
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